Wednesday, September 30, 2009

a weekend away from my Baby

At 4:50 Friday afternoon Eric's dad picked him up for a Men's Retreat in New Braunfels. I had been pondering all week on what to do on the weekend to keep from becoming that lonely newlywed who can't go a workday without seeing her man. I had presumed I would watch some Dateline or 20/20 and a chick-flick to start the weekend off. But then I got suckered back onto the internet, and found myself at my sister's blog- Drolet Diaries. :) In an instant I knew this weekend would be great for expounding on Eric's and my first 3 months as newlyweds, and on none other than BLOGSPOT! I've joined in on the Myspace flurry, I've nearly addicted myself to Facebook, so why not divulge more exhilarating memories onto Blogspot?

Thinking up a catchy blog name was my first task. I left that to Eric, hence my reasoning to publish my post today. Eric and I went to Sonic a few weeks ago and were shocked to discover the ever famous Brown Bag Special no longer exists. :( BOO! For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it's 2 #1 sandwiches/ 2 fries/ 2 drinks for $5.99! Tell me that's a steal!
So we're re-creating it, this time as a blog. I'd like to think I'd post a "special" every day, but let's not get too ambitious!
For now, I'd like to stalk everyone else's blog. :D
Happy Wednesday!!